Monday, January 28, 2013

Quick Update

Hey guys! January has been a pretty busy this month for me with work among other things so just wanted to give you all a quick update. Even though I honestly did not lose any weight during this past holiday season, I was able to maintain my weight loss.  I also have lost 2 pounds since the start of this new year so currently I am down a total of 8 pounds from when I first started trying to lose weight again. I know the weight is not coming off as quickly as I would like it too but I'm trying not to get discouraged because any weight loss is better than not losing weight at all. I am also hopeful that as I start to lose a few more pounds, I'll end up seeing the results better in how I look and feel. My biggest obstacles this month, which I feel are going to be the biggest ones during the rest of the year, are trying to limit the eating out (and cooking more at home) and finding more time to exercise during the week (especially with my first 5K coming up in a few months!). I feel that once I am able to establish a good routine/system with each of these problem areas, then I can better make them a part of my lifestyle and weight loss will be a less difficult journey. Hope all of you who are trying to lose weight, whether as a part of your new year's resolution or in general, are doing well in your efforts. Good luck!

Friday, January 11, 2013

New Year=New Start to a New You!

Hey everyone!  Happy New Year!  I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday season that was filled with much joy and love.  Even though I feel like 2012 just flew by, I am excited to see what 2013 has in store for me.  For many people, myself included, a new year can signify a clean slate and a brand new start.  I guess that is why it is an optimal time for most people to become motivated and develop self-improvement resolutions.  However, for many people, the motivation and commitment to their resolutions often do not make it through the entire year.  For this year, I am going to try to do something a little differently with my resolutions to see if it may help increase my chances of fulfilling them by the end of the year.
     The first thing I'm going to do is make my overall resolutions more specific.  For example, instead of saying one of my resolutions for this year is to just "lose weight," my resolution is to actually "lose 60 pounds by the end of the year."  By making my resolution more specific, it makes it more measurable and I can further break it down and aim to lose 5 lbs a month for the rest of the year.
     I'm also going to have a "monthly game plan" for achieving each of my resolutions complete with mini short-term goals.  For example, to help with my overall weight loss resolution, one mini goal I have for this month is to try to drastically cut back on how much I eat out at restaurants or fast food to only 1-2x max per week.  Exercise wise, I also signed up for my very first 5K, which will take place this upcoming May.  Since I'm not a big fan of running and nothing close to a runner, I'm both a little nervous and excited about the run so I plan start a running training regimen this upcoming week.  My mini goal is to start off this training regimen by running at least once a week this month and working my way up steadily from there.
     Anyways, I hope that these little tips for forming your new years resolutions helped a little and I hope that your new year is off to a good start. Good Luck!