The first thing I'm going to do is make my overall resolutions more specific. For example, instead of saying one of my resolutions for this year is to just "lose weight," my resolution is to actually "lose 60 pounds by the end of the year." By making my resolution more specific, it makes it more measurable and I can further break it down and aim to lose 5 lbs a month for the rest of the year.
I'm also going to have a "monthly game plan" for achieving each of my resolutions complete with mini short-term goals. For example, to help with my overall weight loss resolution, one mini goal I have for this month is to try to drastically cut back on how much I eat out at restaurants or fast food to only 1-2x max per week. Exercise wise, I also signed up for my very first 5K, which will take place this upcoming May. Since I'm not a big fan of running and nothing close to a runner, I'm both a little nervous and excited about the run so I plan start a running training regimen this upcoming week. My mini goal is to start off this training regimen by running at least once a week this month and working my way up steadily from there.
Anyways, I hope that these little tips for forming your new years resolutions helped a little and I hope that your new year is off to a good start. Good Luck!
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