Monday, November 26, 2012

The Power of Change

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”~Albert Einstein
       Change can be scary. For that reason, it is understandable that most people seek out and rely on consistency and stability, which we definitely need in certain areas of our lives. However, being unwilling to change in other areas can leave us stagnant. Sometimes we need to just let go of our fears, take a deep breath, and EMBRACE CHANGE in order to grow or improve ourselves. When it comes to weight loss, if you have been eating or exercising (or both) a certain way for awhile and have not been able to drop anymore pounds, it may be time to consider trying some changes. Our bodies are remarkable in their ability to adapt or become accustomed to certain things such as the same exercise routine. The same goes for “bad” habits such as eating junk foods or not eating enough and putting your body in a “starvation” mode. When we need to make changes in our lives, we need to also remember that it does not always have to be big or happen immediately. Much like we did not develop certain patterns overnight, we cannot expect to necessarily change them overnight. Also, sometimes even small changes can make a big impact.
       For me personally, I know there are several areas in my current lifestyle that I need to change and improve upon if I want to progress in my weight loss. In order to help me develop a strategy for successful lifestyle changes, I wrote a list of my weight loss goals, both short-term and long-term, and the changes, both small and big, that I needed to make to help me achieve those goals. I know that these positive changes may not be easy or happen instantaneously, but, in the long run, I feel that they will be worth making. For this week, as a short-term goal, I am going to focus on cutting back on eating out and start to learn how to do more cooking so I can make healthier meals for myself. Next week I plan on focusing on developing a regular exercise routine that will work with my personal and work schedule. Good luck to all of you who are also planning to begin making any positive lifestyle changes! Remember to be patient as well as stay positive and believe in yourself!

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Start of SeriouslyHere4U :)

The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”~Lao-Tzu

Hi everyone and welcome to my blog! The main reason I started this blog was that I wanted to show our patients that just because I am a medical provider it doesn't mean that I can't be affected by the escalating obesity epidemic. In other words, wearing a white lab coat does not mean that I don't have challenges battling the numbers on the scale or my waistline. As some of our patients may already know, I stopped my medications for several months and 20 pounds slowly but surely crept up on me. Being barely 5 feet tall, this extra 20 pounds feels more like 50 in terms of how I look and how I feel so I decided to restart the same medication regimen that many of our patients are on in addition to some personal lifestyle changes. I already know that losing weight is not an easy or quick task at all so I figured it might be helpful to some of our patients if they could see my challenges and struggles as well as strategies that I may use to try to overcome them. Since it is coming from both a provider and patient perspective, this blog is going to mainly be a mix of personal and educational aspects associated with obesity and weight loss. However, I have to say that any opinions expressed within any entry are strictly my own. I plan to try to update this blog atleast once a week and in the end, I hope that it helps not only me with my weight loss journey but other people as well. In the meantime, try to stay positive and believe in yourself!