Thursday, December 11, 2014

Reflect and then Redirect

Hi everyone!  Between Halloween and the upcoming holidays and everything in between, life has been pretty hectic since my last entry so I do apologize for my absence.  Right now, with Thanksgiving behind us and the upcoming holidays and new year, we are technically about right smack dab in the middle of the holiday season.  This time of year is when I usually take a few weeks to reflect back on my weight loss efforts and take note of things such as what I found helpful in my regimen and what were the more challenging obstacles that I encountered.  Before the end of the current year, I also formulate what I want my weight goals to be in the upcoming new year and my plans to achieve them.  For example, one goal that I would like to achieve in 2015 would be to do at least one 5K (or perhaps even an 8K) since I found that I enjoyed participating in my first 5K this year.  A second goal I have for this upcoming year is to try to write more consistently for this blog since I found that with a wedding, new home, and life in general, it was easy to get distracted and it was definitely a difficult challenge to add entries here as often as I would have liked.  Anyways, even though it may sound cliche (and even though I despise getting older), I have to admit that I get a little excited when a new year is upon us because it gives me a sense of being able to start another 365 days with a fresh, clean, blank slate.  So before the end of this year, don't forget to take the time to think about what goals and plans you looking forward to the most after this holiday season is over and we enter 2015.  Good luck and Happy (slightly early) Holidays!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Exercise to support a good cause!

For many people, I think getting motivated, especially when it comes to exercising, is one obstacle that they face when trying to lose weight.  I have to admit it is definitely one of mine.  However, I have found one way recently to help increase my motivation to exercise and thought I would share it with you.
     If you are just starting to exercise, signing up for a small distance run/walk, especially one that is done for an organization or cause that you believe in, can help jump start your desire to exercise.  I have to say that so far this year, with working, planning and then having a wedding, and then packing and moving into our very first home, the amount of time that I could devote to exercise as well as my motivation for it have both been limited.  
     With the holiday season and pretty soon the new year coming up, I wanted to get "back on track" physically and mentally when it came to my weight loss regimen.  Since I love my pets and, unfortunately, cannot give every animal a loving home, I ended up signing my husband and I up for a 5K run/walk this month that is sponsored by and benefiting our local SPCA shelter.  
     Knowing that the 5K is supporting a good cause, I was even more motivated to get out there and start preparing for it, and this preparation has turned into a routine.  My husband, our two doggies, and I now try to walk together at least 3 times a week.  We have been enjoying the quality time together and my husband is now even considering signing us up for other run/walk events.

Considering doing an run/walk event?  The biggest thing to remember is to have fun!  Otherwise, here are some other helpful tips:
     -Try to find someone or a team that is willing to do the run/walk with you and to prepare for it together.  Having that added support makes things more fun and will help to keep you motivated as well as looking forward to your event.
    -If you plan on using a new pair of shoes for your event, please remember to "break them in" appropriately.
    -Try to come up with a schedule or plan for preparing for your event if you know that you will need it.  Please also give yourself ample time to prepare for it.  In other words, don't sign up for a marathon that is 2 weeks away and the most you usually ever run/walk has been 2 miles.
   -If you are not good with coming up with a preparation plan on your own or if you need some guidance, you may be able to find help online, with books or magazines that have articles that focus on running or walking, or with phone apps.  For example, one free app that I have had on my phone and that several of my patients have used is "Couch to 5K."
    -See if an organization whose cause you support has any scheduled events during the year.  For example, many run/walks for fighting breast cancer often take place in October since it is Breast Cancer Awareness month.
   -If you do not find an event for an organization, charity, or cause, then look for an event that seems fun or interesting to you.  I have seen obstacle course ones, ones where you get to dress up in costumes, and ones where they even throw packets of colored powder on you.
   -Be aware of any registration fees when signing up for an event and also take note if there are any materials or packets that you have to pick up prior to or on the day of the event before it starts.
Hope you are able to find an event that supports a cause you are passionate about and hope things are going well weight loss wise-Stay Positive and Good Luck!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Motivational (and Passionate) Monday

Try to focus on making losing weight something you are passionate about versus seeing it as an obstacle or a chore and you're more likely to stay motivated, inspired, and dedicated despite all the hard work.  I know this mindset might be easier said than done but hang in there and remember mind over matter. Hope you all are having a good summer so far!

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Hi everyone!  I apologize that I had to take an extended hiatus from writing on here.  I had to devote a lot of the time that I had after my last entry in March into preparing for my wedding in April.  Things have definitely been sort of a whirlwind since then and I've had to play a lot of "catch-up" these past few months.  However, I think things in my life are finally starting to calm down a little bit to where I can begin to reestablish a sense of a normalcy in some of my routines.
Anyways, for most people, Summer usually begins after Memorial Day weekend so I guess we are technically in the middle of the season.  Even though anyone can try to lose weight during the year, summer tends to be a good starting time for a lot of people given the longer days, warmer weather, and the fact that it is bathing suit season, which can provide some motivation/inspiration.  If you want to lose weight and have not started yet, there might be no better time than right now, which will give you a head start to looking and feeling better by the time bathing suit season comes around next year.
I hope that since things have started to slowly calm down a little and given that the days feel longer, I will be able to finally get "back on track" myself.  I want to start getting back to posting on this blog more regularly and to regain my focus and motivation when it comes to my weight loss regimen including diet and exercise.  Hope you are also still hanging in there and remember to stay positive (and cool) this summer!

Monday, March 17, 2014

Sorry so long!

Hi everyone!  I know I have been missing in action for over a month now and I apologize for it.  I've just had a lot on my plate this past month (even more than usual!) and I have a feeling things won't lighten up until after April.  However, I wanted to put a quick entry here and update you all on my weight loss progress.  Despite the fact that I still have a long way to go before I reach my ultimate goal weight, I am happy to say that I have lost about 35 of the 60 pounds that I had gained about a year ago and which put me at my heaviest weight ever.  I am pretty excited to have reached some of my mini short-term goals and to start being able to wear some of my clothes that had gotten too tight to wear at my heaviest.  Even though I think I may have hit a plateau weight loss wise after losing these 35 pounds, my next mini-goal is to lose another 10 pounds and I am ready to face this challenge.  Anyways, I hope you all are doing well with your weight loss efforts.  Remember no matter how little or how slow your progress has been, progress is still progress so don't forget to stay positive!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Do something small-Motivational Monday

Love this motivational quote because it reminds us that every (even little) positive action we do is one that gets us closer to achieving our goal.  Better to do something small than nothing at all!

Monday, January 13, 2014

Starting the New Year off right!

Hello everyone and hello to a new year!  I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season.  Even though I thoroughly enjoyed mine and having a little bit of a break, I am glad to be able to start this new year off on the right foot.  I felt like one of the best ways to begin this blog and welcome in 2014 is with a "Motivational Monday" quote.  I like this quote because it is a good mantra to remind yourself that even if you are pressed for time, almost any amount of exercise is beneficial and better than no exercise at all.  Let's also remember to try to start this year with a clean slate rather than a clean plate-heehee!